Finding peace through Geneseo Peace Action

Photo via Geneseo Peace Action

Here at Geneseo, we have the privilege of creating clubs for each and every interest. There are over 180 clubs, ranging from biology club and mock trial to circus club and film club. Among the countless clubs is a club called Peace Action. The name is an excellent descriptor of what the club entails. 

Their own description states that “Peace Action is dedicated to empowering student advocates to take action on issues of peace and justice. Through education, grassroots organizing, and action campaigns, we work to promote informed student activism on campus and build leadership among young people in the peace movement.” 

Peace Action here at Geneseo is a chapter of the national organization called Peace Action New York State. Members share a vision of world peace, which entails a variety of issues and ideas. These issues are often discussed during club meetings, depending on the most pressing issues occurring at the moment. 

Peace Action often holds open meetings called “Dishes and Discourse.” Like the clever name entails, the meeting is accompanied by delicious food and thoughtful conversations. Members are welcome to bring a dish of their own but it is not required. Current issues are discussed, and presentations may be presented by individuals and groups. 

Peace Action is welcome to any and all students at Geneseo. Attending the first meeting of the semester is not a mandatory requirement to become a member. Becoming a member only takes attending one meeting! Each week Peace Action holds a meeting on Thursday night at 7 p.m. in Bailey 202, all are always welcome to join.

The most recent meeting of this club was focused on finding inner peace for individuals through journaling. A member of their e-board shared a presentation on different types of journaling, and how each method has their own benefits. Members shared some of their own journaling techniques and how it helps their daily life. 

Time was given for those to try out some new techniques in their journals. After a small amount of time, some members shared what they had written in their journals, but only if they were comfortable sharing. Peace Action is a judgment-free zone: all that read from their journals were greeted by positive feedback by other members. 

Peace Action has held rallies and walks in the past and this will continue this year. Last semester members gathered for a climate action rally on campus and collected signatures for a petition to fight for more sustainable action on campus. The club’s goal is not only to discuss peace and action, but to also put those ideas into action. 

On Thursday, September 21, Peace Action hosted an event in collaboration with the Geneseo Campus Activity Board called Peace Fest. The event took place on the Union Patio and featured performances from a variety of groups on campus. Hips ‘n Harmony performed and Geneseo spin hosted a sunset HIIT class. 

The event was the first annual Peace Fest and was held on the international day of peace. Along with performances, there was tie-dying, merchandise, and crafts. All are welcome at their next meeting on Thursday, Sept. 28. Be kind, spread love, spread peace.


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