The transition from Aquarius to Pisces season: All you need to know, sign by sign

Okay guys—it’s been a while since our last astrology article, and honestly, this was pretty intentional. I don’t know if this is a universal perspective, but things have been hitting the fan recently, for myself and many of the people around me. Up until now, I had been scared to open up the astronomy/astrology apps, but I’ve since decided that it’s time to take action. The people are suffering, and we need something to cling to in desperation. Read on to see what the rest of this month might mean for your sign!

Aries: Aries, your ruling planet Mars has been in Gemini for a couple months now because of last month’s retrograde; because of this, your energy may be feeling a bit cooped up, though Gemini is a sign that typically represents movement and experimentation. While Aquarius season was hopefully able to help keep this frustration at bay, the move into Pisces season on Feb. 18 might turn this moodiness into melancholy. Keep your head up, Aries—your season is coming soon!

Taurus: As the powerhouse of the astrology cycle, the Orion nebula on Feb. 17 is something to watch out for. Nebulas represent a collision of powerful forces, meaning that parts of your life might seem scattered in your universe right now, but they are still heavy with significance. Allow the creative energy of Aquarius season and the altruism of Pisces season to balance and ground you in the good that this time of year has to offer.

Gemini: Gemini, you’re facing a powerful sky right now—Mars has been in Gemini for quite some time. The ZTF comet fading from view and the Feb. 17 Orion nebula is magnifying all of this. As an air sign, you’re saved by your ability to transition and absorb the energy around you with ease. Soak up that air sign energy as Aquarius season comes to a close and let yourself lean into the dreamscape that Pisces season signifies.

Cancer: The liminal, sometimes uncertain energy of Aquarius season might have been uncomfortable for you these past few weeks, but help is on the way—another water season is arriving on Feb. 18. This Pisces season, with Venus in Pisces until Feb. 20, make sure not to buy too much into the idealism that water signs sometimes embody. It’s good to be a dreamer, and Pisces season is the perfect time for dreaming; just make sure you don’t go around with your heart too far out on that sleeve of yours.

Leo: With the ZTF comet fading from visibility this week, Leo, your luck is on the uptick. The Orion nebula is stirring up some powerful energy starting on Feb. 17, and you can channel this into the selflessness of Pisces season with the new moon on Feb. 19, the creative drive of Mercury in Aquarius, and the passionate romance of Venus entering Aries on Feb. 19. There are a lot of strong feelings and energies out there in the ether right now, Leo, but one thing is for certain—you have the potential to use it to make the rest of this month a great one.

Virgo: Unfortunately for you, Virgo, we’re moving from an air season to a water season on Feb. 18 with few to no planets in any earth sign. As someone who looks forward to comfort and familiarity, this might challenge you; this being said, remember that Pisces season is one that champions the compassionate and gentle above all else, and there is room for you within that energy. Sit down and take some time to set intentions for this season during the new moon in Pisces on Feb. 19. Until then, keep your head up—you’ve got this, Virgo!

Libra: Libra, you tend to thrive during Aquarius season, though this one has been an especially chaotic one. As the ZTF comet fades from view and Venus enters Aries on Feb. 19, your energy is leveling out as the universe’s focus on relationships is peaking. As a sign that’s partial to being swept up in daydreams, make sure not to get too caught up in the idealism of Pisces season. While you have the potential to make this a great month, this relies upon your ability to stay grounded. You’ve got this!

Scorpio: Scorpio, your reflective energy reached a peak recently with a full moon in Scorpio; as we transition into Pisces season, this important potential might lead you to think more intentionally about the feelings and deeper thoughts that you sometimes try to repress. With few planets in earth or fire signs, now is a great time for you to embrace that badassery that keeps you afloat during periods of liminality. The Orion nebula on Feb. 17, too, means that right now is a great time for you to embrace some of the emotional work you’ve accomplished so far this year; take some time to journal and hang out with the important people in your life—you’ve earned it!

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, your ruling planet is Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system; as such, it’s only appropriate to warn you about the Orion nebula that starts today, on Feb. 17. Similar to Leo, I would encourage you to take this time to channel the fiery energy that makes you a force to reckon with in this universe. Don’t let the liminality of Aquarius and Pisces season let you get too ahead of yourself. Your spontaneity, while wonderful in doses, might get you into trouble with Venus in Pisces encouraging false love and a thirst for petty attention until Feb. 20, and the prolonged continuation of Mars’ placement in Gemini. 

Capricorn: You’re a logical sign, Capricorn, so I’m just going to give you the facts—Feb. 18’s move into Pisces season, Mercury in Aquarius until Mar. 2, and Venus in Pisces until Feb. 20 might all mean danger for you. Right now, you’re prone to getting swept up in some of the vulnerable emotions that tend to make you pretty uncomfortable, and Mercury and Venus placements will only elevate this; however, the Orion nebula on Feb. 17 has the power to turn it all around. Channel that exasperation into creative energy and focusing the altruism that you want to hide toward your relationships as Aquarius season comes to a close.

Aquarius: Your season is ending, Aquarius, and it’s only natural that you might be feeling a bit deflated as a result; but as the vast majority of planets are in air or water signs right now, there is still plenty for you to hang on to as we move into Pisces season. Your communication, drive, and passion are still peaking as Mercury and Mars stay in Aquarius and Gemini, respectively. Use these lucky placements to keep your head on as we move into the emotional, and sometimes drama-filled, nature of Pisces season.

Pisces: Hey, Pisces, and welcome to the season of you! This past month might have been a little rough for you, with the peak of the ZTF comet and a full moon in Scorpio, but we are moving into the prime of your energy, and there are big things coming for you. The Orion nebula on Feb. 17 indicates an explosion in your power, meaning the dreams that often fill you up are in a place to be executed, now more than ever. The combination of your overflowing compassion and Venus’s placement in Aries on Feb. 19 means that your relationships are blooming, another surefire sign that this next month is a promising one for you. Happy early birthday, and have a great month!

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