G-Spot: The ins and outs of pubic hair

We all have it, but many people spend hours of our time trying to get rid of it. Pubic hair is often something that people, especially feminine-aligned people, feel self-conscious about. However, there's a lot you might not know about pubic hair. Let's get into it!

Pubic hair is important to the health of your genitals. It can reduce friction during sex, and helps prevent contracting bacteria and pathogens like cellulitis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), urinary tract infections (UTIs), vaginitis and yeast infections. The thickness and location vary from person to person, and there is no such thing as too much or too little pubic hair. One of the most common misconceptions about pubic hair is that it is unhygienic, but this is incorrect—pubic hair is perfectly normal and natural. Like any part of your body, it needs to be cleaned and cared for, but in no way is it unhygienic to have.

So, why do people remove their body hair? Well mainly because there are social norms in place that put pressure on society to shave their hair. This is partly due to greater accessibility to pornography, as well as the idea that shaving your pubic hair makes a person more attractive. Some people also choose to shave because of personal preference, or because of the added sensations it can cause during sex. Regardless, whether or not you choose to shave, trim, or let it grow, the decision is yours, not your partners. No partner in a sexual relationship should pressure the other to shave any part of their body, and the decision is solely yours. 

Now, if you do decide to go bare, there are some things to consider. Firstly, shaving can lead to injury and infection as well as irritation. It is important to know to properly care for the area. You should clean the area before shaving to avoid the transmission of bacteria, and make sure to use a clean, sharp razor or scissors when shaving/trimming the area. Consider using a mirror while shaving to help avoid accidentally cutting yourself and shave the direction that your hair grows. Finally, make sure to moisturize and exfoliate the area afterwards to avoid the buildup of dry skin which can lead to ingrown hairs. 

It is still important and easy to take care of the genital area. When you shower, wash the area with fragrance-free soap, and don’t use any scented products on the pubic area since this can lead to a pH imbalance. Lastly, always make sure to dry the area after cleaning.

The bottom line is, whether you shave or not doesn’t make you any less attractive or clean, and the decision to go bare or all natural is completely up to you and you alone. 



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