Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities episodes one and two review:

Though the Halloween season is coming to a close and the general public has shut their eyes to the grizzly and gruesome world of horror, Guillermo del Toro has come to deliver a timeless eight-episode monstrous spectacle. This newly released Netflix anthology series focuses on all things scary and bone-chilling, bringing several diverse subjects and narratives to the center stage.

Each episode is directed and written by a different director, making each of these sixty-minute roller coasters feel like its own independent short film. This series is not meant for the faint of heart, for it only deals with all things terrifying and unsettling; but if you’re up to the task, this is a beautifully crafted and skillfully conceived anthology, aiming to make even the toughest of horror fans feel an overwhelming sense of dread.

This review will briefly cover the first two episodes, meaning there will be minor spoilers ahead. If you want to avoid knowing anything going into this, I’d advise not going any further—but if you’re not opposed to it, let’s dive in!

The first episode, titled “Lot 36,” focuses on an ex-marine, Nick Appleton, who fought in ‘the war’ (presumably Vietnam). Nick is a man who’s down on his luck, owing an obscene amount of money to debt collectors, and is at his wits end with life. The man’s only hope of being able to repay the debts he owes is acquiring old storage units, which have since been abandoned for multiple reasons. Though the show does little to flesh the character out, we get several hints that this man has bought dozens of these units in hopes of scoring big, but nothing has worked in his favor thus far.

In turn, this has caused the man to grow angry and bitter, seeming to have been permanently changed; this is in no way a likable protagonist, but this is one that we can’t look away from as the plot continuously ramps up the stakes minute by minute. Throughout the episode, Nick tries to dig through the newly acquired lot, learn more about the peculiar antics of the previous owner, and be physically assaulted by debt collectors. This leads to a point about halfway through the episode where everything changes—Nick finds something extremely bizarre in the back of his unit, a seance table, with a pentagram in the middle, alongside other items, which acts as the catalyst to all events. 

Without giving too much away, Nick decides to appraise the table and, in the process, discovers something grizzly hidden within, connecting to a long-forgotten past. He is given the aid of an expert in the area, who offers to provide Nick with a large payout if he can find another item within the unit. This leads to the first episode’s climax, filled with dread and suspense as an ungodly presence is unleashed upon the two men and the entire facility. This segment only lasts a few minutes, but it’ll send shivers down your spine due to the atmosphere created and the impeccable creature design, using a mix of practical effects and digital imagery to perfectly form this monstrous being.

In all, this episode was a spectacular way to kick off the series, showing the audience what to expect going forward, and leaving us desiring more. This first episode gets an 8.5/10, filled with great scares, usage of lighting, and symbolism, but lacks characterization, which would have made the conclusion that much more satisfactory.  


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