I review some of my girlfriend’s music

Hello all of you wonderful people, and welcome back to the Arts & Entertainment section of The Lamron! Today, we have something very special: A review of some music the wonderful and spectacular Rachel Turner (who happens to be my girlfriend) picked out for us—whose birthday happens to be on the date this releases, Mar. 1!  This is the perfect opportunity for you and me both to get affiliated with some new music that I know will be amazing! Without further ado—let’s get into it!

“Blue Light” by Mazzy Star 

A very relaxing and soothing song that makes me feel like I am on the precipice of a spiritual metamorphosis. The vibe is incredible, and the guitar scratches my brain just right…4/5! 

“Right Side of My Neck” by Faye Webster

This song’s instruments and the singer’s voice create a vibe that can only be described as funky and fun; the simple yet memorable lyrics are sticking with me even now…3.5/5. 

“Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground and Nico

This song uses a xylophone and physically entranced me as I listened; that’s all I need to tell you…5/5! 

“There Are Listed Buildings” by Los Campesinos! 

Los Campesinos! might be British, but this makes me want to respect them. This seems like the type of music you would dance wildly to or scream while driving—and I can’t decide which is better. I love the vibe, but the sound initially threw me off. Though, it makes up for this…4.5/5!

“You’d Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out To Get You)” by Waterparks

I have never truly known how to feel about Waterparks, but songs like this make it reminiscent of Los Campesinos!—and that makes me respect them a bit more too. I do not know what the message of this song is, but it has an energy to it that makes this fact overlookable…3.5/5

“Modern Girl” by Bleachers

I do really enjoy the instrumental of this piece, but I am not gonna lie; the lyrics really just take you out. It is fun and silly, but the ensemble of men just doesn’t compliment this song as well as it could…3/5

“More! More! More!” by Baby Strange

This song has an undeniable energy to it that is so intoxicating. The best way my little pea-brain can formulate it is that this song is akin to the church fight sequence in Kingsmen: The Secret Service (2014)—just pure adrenaline-inducing chaos—and I love it…5/5! 

“Crying Lightning” by Arctic Monkeys 

The refrain of this song goes CRAZY, and the way the lead singer tries to make each line match in terms of syllables is such a fun twist; the poet in me is so happy…5/5!  

“Glasgow Is A Punk Rock Town” by Sparky Deathcap 

I love how funky and unorthodox this band sounds; it feels like the vocal embodiment of an abstract film, and I love it for that…4/5

“Forever” by Noah Kahan

This song is so adorable, and I can’t get enough of it. As Rachel would say, this song is “so us,” and I’d have to agree…5/5!


“A NIGHT OUT ON EARTH” by Waterparks

This song has to be the funkiest I have heard from Waterparks, and I can say it’s clear the lead singer is thriving because of that; he is putting his entire heart into this recording. However, I do not know what it is, maybe the autotune, but something about this song doesn’t hit as hard as I feel it should…3.5/5

Now, if you disagree with me, feel free to come to our weekly Lamron general meetings and write a piece about why! I know I am nowhere near correct here, but at least I can say I am trying to live up to my namesake!

Thumbnail Photo courtesy of Pexels


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