How gatekeeping hurts us

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Starring Adam Scott, Severance (2022-) is an underrated thriller on Apple TV+ worthy of mainstream recognition.

Gatekeeping refers to the act of controlling or limiting access to something, particularly in specific contexts where it involves guarding certain media and preventing others from engaging with it. With the rise of social media, fans have a big platform to share their favorite books and movies, receive recommendations, and grow fandoms. Unfortunately, many people use social media to allude to media they like with the intention of withholding the source's name from curious commenters. 

I have never understood these people. What satisfaction do they get from bragging about knowing a specific show or song and preventing others from learning about it? They seem to have an incessant need to belong to a niche group, which hurts the good faith and functionality of social media and the artists who make projects that are supposedly “too good to share.” 

The sentiment that when something hits mainstream levels of popularity, it becomes “bad" is popular across social media. It is also one, however, that I never really understood. Even strictly talking about a fanbase, when it grows exponentially, there is a greater assurance in talented artists, editors, and writers to keep you entertained. At the same time, you wait for more official content. 

Of course, it’s logical that a higher number of fans means encountering more people who don’t connect with the art the same way you do, making the influx of “new fans” frustrating. Also, listing off popular shows as your favorite may dissillude from one’s mysterious and cultured facade. Once you realize the harm gatekeeping has on our culture and artists, these drawbacks seem like nothing more than petty complaints. No matter how popular it is, I have no shame in saying Breaking Bad (2008-2013) is one of my favorite shows— and I hope to persuade you to feel this way too. 

We live in a society where stream numbers and sales, rather than quality, renew seasons and shows. As a result, everyone needs to set aside their ego and rally for media they believe is made with passion and intelligence. If you are sick of seeing the same tropes in every movie, start telling your friends, families, and strangers on the internet about these “hidden gems” to help them gain the traction they deserve. This will ensure that our world will not be overtaken by mediocrity or media that only aims to appeal to “the most common denominator.” 

To start this anti-gatekeeping movement, I will recommend a show that is not gaining enough attention, despite its ingenious premise and amazing characters. Severance (2022- ), a thriller on Apple TV+, is an ominous story about a team of office workers who retain no memories from their outside lives while at work. As the title suggests, the characters' minds have been divided or severed, literally splitting their work and personal lives. 

I was underwhelmed by the traction its second season (currently airing on Apple TV+ weekly) has been receiving. With the popularity of Squid Game (2021- ), I assumed people were back into dark and gritty plots. Severance (2022- ) has amazing plot twists, moral qualms, unsettling moments, and a looming mystery that deserves to rival the popularity of the biggest shows today. 

Apple TV+ is not a popular streaming service, so it is understandable that people might think they cannot access the show. Fortunately, the first season is free on the streaming service, and those nine episodes will leave you blown away. The sheer quality and effort behind an Apple TV+ original is something I did not expect, and it is something I am happy to share for the promise of many more seasons.


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