Writer Spotlight: Juslannie Rosso Brito


is a word that does not exist.

Possession, is one sided

Oaths, or vows, can be taken,

but lover could go, lover may stay, 

or may find another

In bed, lover whispered, 

“you’re mine”, 

this morning, 

lover, regrets me, 

then leaves. 

I– am abandoned. 

I– struggle with obsession. 

I– long to belong to someone. 

I thought– that the goal was commitment. 

I must not confuse love for placement. 

Even in matrimony, 

the promise is not to your partner,

but it is,

to God. 

And this promise, 

is not law. 

And God,

will not, 

strike them down. 

God will, 

forgive them,

but I, 

will not.

The Lamron

Web editor for The Lamron, SUNY Geneseo's student newspaper since 1922.


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