Killer Kites (2023) is the movie

If you are looking for a movie that will make you question everything you know about what it takes to be a successful filmmaker, look no further than Paul Dale’s and Austin Frosch’s second film, Killer Kites (2023)! 

This film is a satirical parody of modern horror movies, opting to openly comment on tropes and cliches. This film is in no way going to be your typical horror watch; it is a passion project of a group of friends, and their innate passion for the craft is what shines through. Bear with me because this story is anything but neat. 

In a vacuum, that sounds like a great read of the movie and its directors. In reality, this film is a crazy “balls to the wall” adventure made with five dollars and a dream, filled with so many punny jokes and visuals, making sure the watcher is having a fun time through it all! As a result, this was one of the most enjoyable viewing experiences I have had in a while, solely because of the cinematography, computer-generated images (CGI), and writing present within this film; though, that’s not for the reasons you would think. This movie is in no way taking itself seriously; rather, it is the contrary, and that’s evident from the story’s opening shot. 

Just to give you a taste of what this entails, here’s a “quick” synopsis—yes, this is the fast variant - of the movie: Abby (played by Manon Pages) is gifted an antique kite, an item her grandma held onto, secured away in a Hobby Lobby brand antique case—yes, this is called out—and because of this, the long-dormant malice contained within the box finds its way into modern society. We witness Abby try to get through her daily life, confronted with hardship after hardship and misogyny in the workplace until everything is thrown to the wind as bodies start dropping. Abby, her misogynistic coworker, Daniel (played by Carter Simoneaux), his group of friends, and Brock Peterson (played by Paul Dale), a news reporter, come together to make a triumphant stand against hordes of CGI kites descending upon them as the group tries to find out how to stop these ethereal entities along with their true communist background. 

Though I am leaving so many crucial plot points and characters out, it should be evident that no single element of this film or its production is taken seriously—for good reason. No shots of kites are meant to elicit fear, nor is the dialogue meant to be prophetic, but it’s compiled in a way to ensure you’ll laugh at the sheer stupidity in front of you. 

In any other movie, this would be seen as the worst-case scenario: The finished product should represent something completely polished, something that reflects mastery of one’s craft, not make it all a joke, but in this film, the way that is shown is by throwing all of these established films making thought processes out the window, opting for a story that is as manic as the synopsis!

If you are looking for a genuinely entertaining and unhinged experience, look no further than this masterclass staple of amateur filmmaking, which would have even Martin Scorsese shed a tear! Though not containing any elements I naturally would align with a good film, this work shows that you do not need a budget or sophisticated idea to create something genuinely memorable and engaging! 

Because of this, I will have to give this film a 7/10 - perfectly serviceable for your next movie night or something to tell your local “film buff” about while watching their world collapse in on itself…Whatever you choose, Killer Kites (2023) is the movie for you!!!!! You can find this movie for free on Tubi’s website or for purchase on Apple TV and Amazon Prime!


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