Geneseo’s new Creative Writing Club starts up for its second semester

Do you ever find yourself thinking: “Man, I love to write and would like nothing more than to get better at my craft in a setting with like-minded writers, preferably right here in Geneseo, with a focus not only on literary fiction but genre fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry”? Well, you might just need to learn how to stop thinking in run-on sentences!

And also, join the Creative Writing Club!

Geneseo’s Creative Writing Club is back! After a period of inactivity during COVID-19 quarantine, the CW Club took its first steps back last semester and is gladly returning to campus this semester in full swing. Led by myself, Matt Keller, as president, Liz Roos as vice president, and Hannah Lustyik as secretary, we are looking forward to working with writers of all skill levels, genres, and interests.

Just to reiterate, creative nonfiction and poetry are more than welcome now. In fact, you’ll notice a feature of this inclusion in this issue of The Lamron—one Liz Louie’s poem ‘Advice For My Daughter,’ was workshopped in the CW Club. Moving forward, we are looking to spread the word about any and all publishing opportunities to our members, Lamron readers, and the campus at large!

So if you find yourself free on a Thursday night around 6:30 p.m., feel free to head over to Bailey 105 and say hello! If you’d like to get your hands on the piece we are workshopping ahead of time, feel free to email and ask to be put on the mailing list where you can stay up to date on all things creative writing.

And to give you one last piece of juicy incentive, there is rumor of a pizza-party-movie-night in the near future... The wonders never cease!


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