Exclusive: Ace Ventura sequel planned with President Battles and Victor E. Knight

On Wednesday, Mar. 28, the production leaders at Warner Bros. Entertainment reached out to the sports editors of The Lamron to reveal the name, stars, release date, and some pretty major plot points about one of their upcoming films. Ace Ventura 3: The Battle for Victor, starring Jim Carrey and President of SUNY Geneseo Denise Battles in their search for the missing Knights’ mascot, Victor E. Knight, is set to release on Feb. 30, 2024. 

I know what you may be thinking; are there not already three Ace Ventura films? I asked the directors that very question and was verbally thrashed as they responded, “No, you rapscallion, Ace Ventura, Jr.: Pet Detective counts for nothing.” So here we are, promoting the much anticipated third detective film starring Jim Carrey as a loveable fool. In the first iteration in 1994, Ace was tasked with finding the Miami Dolphins’ mascot, Snowflake, who was kidnapped out of its tank within their home stadium. Ventura, of course, eventually finds Snowflake and saves the day for the people of Miami.

The directors informed us that the plot of Ace Ventura 3: The Battle for Victor will be quite different from its predecessors in multiple ways. First, beloved mascot Victor will not be kidnapped—he will be undergoing a crisis in which he feels that he deserves more than what the mascot life has brought him; the fan interactions and serving the Geneseo community have been fulfilling for a while, but Victor is over it and finally wants to work towards securing his dream job as a quaint exotic dancer. Battles and the rest of Geneseo’s leadership have to track Victor down before the student body inevitably revolts and wreaks havoc on campus and into town. To do this they have to enlist famed pet (and mascot) detective Ace Ventura to come to the Rochester area and sniff his way around to find out which upscale club Victor has found his way into in his search for a career in the (K)nightlife industry. 

In the meantime, Geneseo’s Athletics Department has come up with an interim mascot to take over for Victor, lovingly named Lou Sir, a caricature of a thrice-divorced 56-year-old white man with four children he has not seen in years. Sir is also quite behind on his child support payments as he mostly spends his money on Natty Light and Lucky Stripe cigs. While some may question the creation of Sir and his backstory, the leadership in charge assures the community that this is who they want representing their esteemed institution. 

Our staff was not allowed to inquire about the ending of the movie but were led to believe that Ventura will be successful in finding Victor. Unfortunately, however, the former mascot will have become accustomed to his new position and will refuse to come back to Geneseo. Lou Sir wins over the hearts of the community and becomes the full-time mascot for SUNY Geneseo athletics. 

While the wait for the film’s release may be excruciating, the directors have assured us that it will be well worth it, and that you should all look out for Ace Ventura 3: The Battle for Victor in a theater near you on Feb. 30, 2024.


Josh Allen Retires at 26


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